【ドイツ/Germany】Day Out of Time


Day Out Of Time.

The Day Zero.

In the Mayan Cosmovision the conceptualization of the number ø was very important for their society & rituals. Therefore the 365 yearly calendar was conceived with 13 months with 28 days each, plus an extra day: the day zero.

An intermission between the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new one, a day in which we become free from the fauces of time and connects with the universal energies, it’s our consciousness aligning with the realms of high vibration.
This special day is considered by the Mayans as one to prepare the soul, create a space for playfulness, art, magic and creativity.

With a Cacao & Fire Ceremony we will begin our cosmic journey by thanking the elements of nature for the infinite gifts of life we’ve been granted during this last cycle. We will then connect to the collective consciousness trough music & dance, preparing our soul for the beginning of a brand new cycle, full of love, abundance and good luck.

16:00 – Cacao & Fire Ceremony

– Dr. Warte:mal & Captures (live)

El Mago (live)

– El Dj Rafael (live)



Join us and let’s embrace our connection.

Entry Donation-based
